Six years ago today, the world lost an extraordinary musician, a loving husband, father, and grandfather, Glen Campbell. As we remember him today, let us also look to the future with optimism and determination.
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Voice Control Apps for Caregivers

There are a growing number of Voice Control Apps available today from Amazon and Apple which can greatly improve the lives of those living with Alzheimer’s, especially during the earlier stages. Here are a few reasons that you might consider adding a ‘digital caregiver’ to your team.

Alzheimer’s is never a fair fight. Kim takes on the playground bully with a little help from her friends and family.
The Ninth Candle

The Hebrew word Chanukah means “dedication.” What an appropriate time to reflect on this passing year and the dedication that 15 million caregivers in the United States selflessly show to their husbands, wives, fathers, mothers and friends who are living with Alzheimer’s and dementia.
Thanksgiving Survival Guide

Kim Campbell shares her Thanksgiving Survival Guide tips for caregivers this holiday season. Humor, love, fun and positivity are all key ingredients.
Give Yourself a Pep Talk

I believe that there is power in the spoken word. In my daily self-pep-talks I repeat: I am strong. I can do this. I made it through today, I can make it through tomorrow. This too shall pass. My God is bigger than this problem!
Compassion Fatigue

Dr. Tam Cummings explains what Compassion Fatigue is and offers a simple test where caregivers can see if they might be showing signs of this common but rarely spoken about medical condition.
A Beautiful Love Song

Our job as caregivers is to help our loved ones finish their song. Although this song was not written by Glen, the words spoke to me as If they came directly from his heart.
Redeem The Time!

Don’t feel defeated because you can’t do something that you had planned to do before you became a caregiver. Make each moment count. Redeem The Time! – Kim Campbell
Comforted By Angels

We shouldn’t assume that because someone has lost their ability to remember, think, reason and speak, that they are incapable of connecting to a spiritual reality above and beyond what we ourselves can see. – Tony Janicki
Lessons From My Mother pt. 5

It took me a long time to let go of the illusion that I was in control. God was gracious and patient with me, waiting until I came to the end of my own resources. My faith was bigger than my mother’s illness. – Ann Campanella