It took me a long time to let go of the illusion that I was in control. God was gracious and patient with me, waiting until I came to the end of my own resources. My faith was bigger than my mother’s illness. – Ann Campanella
ann campanella
Lessons From My Mother pt. 4

Ann Campanella shares Part 4 of Lessons From My Mother – Caregiving is hard on relationships. “Perhaps the relationship I neglected most was the one with myself.”
- Alzheimers
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Lessons From My Mother pt. 3

The work was endless during the years that my mother had Alzheimer’s, but it was something I could not NOT do. I loved my mother, and her comfort was as important as my own. Part three of Lessons From My Mother
- Alzheimers
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Lessons From My Mother pt. 2

There’s no getting around it. Caring for another person is hard work. It wasn’t easy but it was what she needed. And it was what I needed to do for her. – Guest contributor Ann Campanella shares part two of Lessons From My Mother
Lessons From My Mother pt.1

If you ask most people if they’d want to relive the years when their loved one had Alzheimer’s, you’d most likely get a resounding, “No!” That’s my first response too. But, if I give myself time to let the question penetrate deeper into my heart, my answer is different.